Nordin Sans Serif Free Demo
Nordin Sans Serif Free Demo is an Elegant Condensed sans serif with solid font files. it is based on the compact solid font, by combining a variety of styles. Suitable for Logo, greeting cards, quotes, posters, branding, name card, stationary, design title, blog header, art quote, typography. The font is also suitable for art, modern envelope lettering or book design, happening style like the hand-drawn design or watercolor design theme, craft design, any DIY project, book title, wedding font, pop vintage design, or any purpose to make our art/design project look pretty and trendy.
Thanks to Craft Supply Co for creating and sharing this free demo! However, this is just a sneak peek of Nordin Condensed Sans Serift with basic characters and personal license only. So, if you wish to access more features and use it for commercial work, go get the full version as well.
Free for personal use only
Note: the link will expire in one hour. If you want to report a violation, you can write to us about it on the Contact page.